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Dieser Abschnitt enthält Details von Seminaren, Konferenzen und anderen Veranstaltungen, bei denen das Forschungsteam das SOGICA Projekt vorgestellt hat. Dieser Abschnitt wird im Laufe des Projekts aktualisiert, überprüfen Sie diesen deshalb bitte regelmäßig.

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Upcoming events

  • N. Ferreira, Seeking asylum in Europe: ‘European values’ and queer claims, in lecture series European values, citizenship and belonging, University of Antwerp, 16 December 2020.





  • N. Ferreira, An intersectional approach to policy and decision making on SOGI asylum claims in Europe, public seminar series of the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, UK, 26 February 2020.



  • C. Danisi, Vulnerability as a “revolutionary” concept in international and European human rights law for the protection of migrants and refugees?’, lecture part of a series on Arriving, Returning, or Modern Nomadism, at University of Bonn, Germany, 17 December 2019.


  • M. Dustin and C. Danisi. SOGI asylum in Italy and the UK: worlds apart?, at Sussex meets GenSeM: Frontiers in research, University of Sussex, Brighton, 21 November 2019.



  • N. Ferreira, An Exercise in Detachment: The Strasbourg Court and Sexual Minority Refugees, at the UACES 49th Annual Conference, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.


  • N. Held, ‘We’re not asking for a palace, just a safe space’: the intersections of sexuality, space and ‘refugeeness’ in the lives of LGBTQI* refugees, at the 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging, Manchester, 21 August 2019.


Fotos der Konferenz in Frankfurt







  • C. Danisi, La tutela contro la discriminazione sulla base dell’orientamento sessuale: il potenziale ruolo nella CEDU nella protezione dei richiedenti asilo SOGI (The protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation: The potential role of the ECHR in safeguarding SOGI asylum seekers), at Seminar ‘Migro perche’ sono – 2019′, School of Law, University of Bologna, 28 March 2019.


  • N.Held, ‘Here, I have no choice’: being a lesbian and a refugee – Intersectional experiences of time and space, presentation at the Lesbian Lives 2019 conference, Brighton, 16 March 2019.



  • N. Ferreira, Asylum, sexuality and gender identity: some preliminary findings of the SOGICA project (keynote speaker) and participant in roundtable on ‘Ethics of gender and migration research within institutional academia and beyond: perspectives from 4 ERC-funded projects’, in workshop Intimate (In)Justice: Gender and Sexuality in the Politics of Borders at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy, 11-12 February 2019.








  • N. Held, ‘They sent me to the mountain’: LGBTQI* refugees’ intersectional experience of ‘integration’ in Germany, at the 10th European Feminist Research Conference, Goettingen, Germany, 13 September 2018.


  • N. Ferreira, Queering asylum across Europe: The legal and social experiences of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) asylum seekers, at the ‘LGTB asylum seekers and refugees in Spain’ project meeting, ACCEM, Madrid, Spain, 7 September 2018.





  • N. Ferreira, SOGICA – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum: A European human rights challenge, at seminar Orgoglio e pregiudizio? Essere migranti LGBTIQ+, organised by Anziani e non solo, in collaboration with MigraBo LGBTI, Cassero LGBT Center, Bologna, 15 June 2018.


  • C. Danisi, Crossing Borders: Sexual Orientation, Asylum and Human Rights, at Gender, Borders and Human Rights, Experts Seminar, University of Ghent, Human Rights Centre, Ghent, 28 May 2018.











  • N. Ferreira, Sexual and gender minorities in asylum seeking, workshop at event ‘Queory: Gender, Sexuality, and the Hostile Environment’, University of Sussex, UK, 12 May 2018




  •  M. Dustin, Global Perspectives Panel, at Rainbow Pilgrims Symposium: LGBTQI Migrant and Travelling Communities Perspectives, Buckinghamshire New University, 14 February 2018. 





  • M. Dustin, Proving the unprovable? Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum, at a seminar about LGBTQI asylum, University of Roehampton, 20 November 2017.


  • N. Ferreira, Seeking asylum in Europe: Delving into sexual orientation and gender identity asylum claims, at the UACES 47th Annual Conference, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 4 September 2017.



  • N. Ferreira, M. Dustin, N. Held, C. Danisi, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Asylum Claims: A European and Comparative View, Panel at the 2nd Annual Conference Refugee Law Initiative, School of Advanced Study – University of London, 5-7 June 2017.


  • N. Ferreira, Seeking asylum in Europe: Delving into sexual orientation and gender identity asylum claims, presented at Nordic Law Seminar, University of Iceland, 29-30 May 2017.


  • C. Danisi, Personal characteristics v objective situations in the application of the ECHR to asylum seekers: Towards a coherent interpretation of the European human rights system?, presented at Nordic Law Seminar, University of Iceland, 29-30 May 2017.


  • M. Dustin, N. Held, Proving the unprovable: the social-legal experiences of SOGI asylum seekers in the UK and Germany: a comparative, interdisciplinary and intersectional approach, presented at workshop Queer migration, diaspora and asylum in Europe, University College London, 16 May 2017.


  • N. Held, What does a genuine lesbian/gay relationship look like in the eyes of asylum decision makers?,
    presented at the launch of the Special Issue of Discover Society ‘Families and Relationships across Crises’, Amnesty International UK, London, 12 May 2017.


  • C. Danisi, Tra Tortura e Discriminazione: L’Omosessualità nel XXI secolo, University of Bologna – School of Law, 28 April 2017.




  • N. Ferreira, M. Dustin, N. Held, C. Danisi, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum, presented at the University of Sussex, 25 January 2017, as part of the Year of Migration’s initiatives.



  • N. Held, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum: A European human rights challenge – SOGICA, presented at the Conference Refugees and Queers, 26 November 2016 in Dresden – Deutsches Hygiene Museum.



  • N. Ferreira, Delivery of session on SOGI asylum seekers within framework of Student Action For Refugees (STAR) Liverpool Academic Lectures on Refugees, Asylum seekers and Migrants (invited speaker), 16 March 2016.