Dieser Abschnitt enthält Informationen über Publikationen des SOGICA Projekts und wird im Laufe des Projekts aktualisiert, überprüfen Sie diesen deshalb bitte regelmäßig.
- Held, N., Tschalaer, M. and Ćubelić, D., ‘Queere Geflüchtete und die Coronakrise: „Ich habe mich noch nie einsamer gefühlt“‘, Der Tagesspiegel, 31 March 2020.
- Ennis, E. M. and Held, N. (2020): ‘The Wrong Turn; a conversation’, shado, 16 February 2020.
- UKLGIG, ‘Submission to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration inspection of the Home Office’s Presenting Officer function’, January 2020 (including SOGICA contribution)
- Held, N., ‘Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Claims of Asylum in Germany: Intersectional legal, social and methodological challenges’, in Refugees & Queers: Forschung und Bildung an der Schnittstelle von LSBTTIQ, Fluchtmigration und Emanzipationspolitiken, Carolin Küppers/ Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfield (ed.). Bielefeld: transcript, 2019, 53-80.
- Held, N. and McCarthy, K., “‘They like you to pretend to be something you are not’: An exploration of working with the intersections of gender, sexuality, ‘race’, religion and ‘refugeeness’, through the experience of Lesbian Immigration Support Group (LISG) members and volunteers’, in Nayak, Suryia/ Robbins, Rachel (eds.) Intersectionality in Social Work: Activism and Practice in Context. Oxon/ New York: Routledge, 2019.
- SOGICA Project, Written evidence cited in ‘Brexit: refugee protection and asylum policy‘, 48th Report of Session 2017–19, House of Lords, European Union Committee, UK Parliament, 11 October 2019
- Danisi, C., ‘Crossing Borders between International Refugee Law and International Human Rights Law in the European context: Can Human Rights Enhance Protection against Persecution based on Sexual Orientation (and beyond)?‘ Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 2019, Vol. 37, Issue 4, as part of a Special Issue on Migration, Gendered Borders and Human Rights edited by Eva Brems, Ellen Desmet and Lourdes Peroni.
- Danisi, C., Dustin, M. and Ferreira, N., ‘Queering Brexit: What’s in Brexit for Sexual and Gender Minorities?‘, in Dustin, M., Ferreira, N. and Millns, S. (eds.), Gender and Queer Perspectives on Brexit. Gender and Politics Series. Palgrave, 2019, pp. 239-272
- Ferreira, N. and Dustin M., ‘Let’s celebrate Pride with empathy and ensure LGBT+ refugees are not left behind‘, Metro, 5 July 2019
- Tschalaer, M. and Held, N., ‘Policy Briefing: Queer Asylum in Germany: Better visibility and access to legal and social support needed for LGBTQI+ people seeking asylum in Germany’, University of Bristol, October 2019
- Tschalaer, M. und Held, N., ‘Kurzdossier: Queeres Asyl in Deutschland: Bessere Sichtbarkeit und besserer Zugang zu rechtlicher und sozialer Unterstützung für LSBTQI* Geflüchtete’, Universitaet Bristol, October 2019
- Tschalaer, M. and Held, N., ‘Better Legal and Social Support Needed for LGBTQI+ People Seeking Asylum in Germany‘, Migration Mobilities Bristol (MMB) Blog, 31 October 2019
- Tschalaer, M. and Held, N., ‘LGBTQI+ asylum claimants face extreme social isolation in Germany‘, openDemocracy, 26. November 2019
- Special Issue of GenIUS – Rivista di studi giuridici sull’orientamento sessuale e sull’identita’ di genere on ‘Protezione Internazionale e SOGI‘, 2018, No 2, with contributions of Danisi, C., Ferreira, N., Dustin, M. and Held, N.
- Dustin M., ‘Many rivers to cross: the recognition of LGBTQI asylum in the UK’, International Journal of Refugee Law, 2018, Vol 30, No 1, 104–127
- Dustin M., ‘Neocolonial agendas and asylum for women and sexual minorities’, Sussex Student Law Journal, 1(2), 2018
- Dustin M., ‘Op-Ed: Sexual orientation, gender identity and asylum in the UK: is “discretion” ever a choice?‘, ECRE, May 2018
- Dustin M., ‘Neocolonial agendas and asylum for women and sexual minorities’, work in progress presented at the International Studies Association Conference, April 2018, San Francisco
- Ferreira N. and Venturi D., ‘Testing the untestable: The CJEU’s decision in Case C-473/16, F v Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal’, EDAL – European Database of Asylum Law, 28 June 2018
- Ferreira N., Danisi C., Dustin M., Held N., ‘The reform of the Common European Asylum System: Fifteen recommendations from a Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Perspective‘, SOGICA/University of Sussex, May 2018
- Ferreira N., ‘Sexuality and citizenship in Europe: socio-legal and human rights perspectives’, 2018 Social & Legal Studies, Vol. 27(2), 253–265
- Ferreira N., Interview on Newshour – BBC World Service on CJEU judgment regarding evidence standards in sexual orientation asylum cases (18’25”)
- Held N., Interview on Austrian ORF Österreichischer Rundfunk programme Zeit im Bild 2 on sexual orientation and refugees
- Held N. and McCarthy K., ‘”They like you to pretend to be something you are not”: An exploration of working with the intersections of gender, sexuality, “race”, religion and “refugeeness”, through the experience of Lesbian Immigration Support Group (LISG) members and volunteers’, in: Robbins, Rachel/Nayak, Suryia (eds.) Intersectionality in Social Work: Challenges to power, thought and practice (Routledge Advances in Social Work), Routledge (forthcoming)
- Danisi C., Dustin M. and Ferreira N., ‘Academic Armchair: Queering Brexit’, interview on The Badger (University of Sussex Student Union newspaper), 13 November 2017
- Danisi C., Dustin M. and Ferreira N., ‘Queering Brexit’, The UK in a Changing Europe, 26 October 2017
- Danisi C. ‘Contextualising Non-discrimination: Towards a New Approach for Sexual Minorities under the ECHR?‘, in: Balboni, Marco (ed.) The European Convention on Human Rights and the Principle of Non-discrimination, Editoriale Scientifica, 2017, pp. 197-232. ISBN 978-88-9391-229-7
- Danisi C. ‘Promoting Human Rights Through the EU External Action: An Empty “Vessel” for Sexual Minorities?’, European Foreign Affairs Review 22, no. 3 (2017): 341–356
- Danisi C., ‘Taking out the Union: The EU-Turkey Statement as an Agreement between States‘, in European Journal of International Law – Ejil Talk!, 20 April 2017
- Dustin M., ‘Designating “vulnerability”: the asylum claims of women and sexual minorities‘, security praxis, 3 June 2017 (also on RLI Blog on Refugee Law and Forced Migration, 19 June 2017
- Dustin M. and Ferreira N., ‘Canada’s Guideline 9: improving SOGIE claims assessment?‘, 2017 Forced Migration Review 56 (October), 80-83
- Ferreira N., ‘Trump’s immigration ban and Europe: the courage to raise a mirror and look beyond it’, Forced Migration Forum, 6 March 2017 (unabridged version published in LaPSe of Reason, 8 March 2017)
- Ferreira N. and Venturi D., ‘Tell me what you see and I’ll tell you if you’re gay: Analysing the Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-473/16, F v Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal’, Odysseus Blog, 24 November 2017
- Held N. ‘“They look at you like an insect that wants to be squashed”: An ethnographic account of the racialized sexual spaces of Manchester’s Gay Village‘, Sexualities, 2017, 20(5-6), pp.535-557
- Held N., ‘What does a genuine lesbian/gay relationship look like in the eyes of asylum decision makers?‘, Discover Society, 2 May 2017
- Ferreira N., ‘Refugees and asylum seekers in Portugal: An assessment and the case of LGBTI individuals’, Le Monde Diplomatique (Portuguese version), No. 111, January 2016, 10-11
- Held N., ‘What does a ‘genuine lesbian’ look like? Intersections of sexuality and ‘race’ in Manchester’s Gay Village and in the UK asylum system‘, in: Stella, Francesca, Taylor, Yvette, Reynolds, Tracey and Rogers, Antoine (eds.) Sexuality, citizenship and belonging: trans-national and intersectional perspectives. Routledge advances in critical diversities (1). Routledge, London, pp. 131-148. ISBN 9781138805040
- Danisi C., Tutela dei diritti umani, non discriminazione e orientamento sessuale (Collana ‘La ricerca del diritto nella Comunita’ internazionale’, Editoriale Scientifica, 2015)
- Ferreira N., ‘Portuguese refugee law in the European context: the case of sexuality-based claims’, 2015 International Journal of Refugee Law 27(3), 411-432
- Held N. and Smith K., ‘We want detention to end – not today, not tomorrow but forever‘, The Justice Gap, 2015
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